Your Must Have Your Own Plan
You should always have a plan for bugging out, even if you are set on surviving in place. You need only look at the last few highly publicized natural disasters to see how the government officials in order to “simplify services, reduce threats to their own personnel and reduce costs” will FORCE you to EVACUATE to a “Designated Safe Place”. Again, read the accounts of suffering heaped upon people in New Orleans at the Super Dome during Katrina and ask yourself if this is a plan for your family.
You will not have a choice to stay or leave the Government Officials will make that decision for you.
If you think you won't experience those problems go online and study the refugee experiences of hundreds in thousands of well reported and covered news stories all over the world.
Forget conspiracies and think reality
The government is not "out to get you", it is "out to survive", you are inconsequential. In order for "society" to survive the government must maintain order. If you were a town in the countryside with only a hand full of police officers and a hundred square miles of farm land or mountainous area that was suddenly beset upon by thousands of refugees that were desperate and unknown you would beg the Federal Government to intercede. How would they intercede? Well historically they set up camps and herd the refugees into them. The camps are rife with violence, crime and unrest. Study what happened in Homestead, FL after the hurricane or the hundreds of wildfires and their temporary refugees.
How long will it take you to load everything? What will you load? How will you remember everything? Can you find it in a rush? These are the things that you should include in your bug out plan.
If you recognize the aforementioned facts, then why is it that we get sheepish, embarrassed or lazy about disaster planning?
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All of the information on this website is offered on the strict basis that you and others will exercise proper caution and care in doing any of the things that are presented on this site.  YOU are solely responsible for the use to which you put this material. You must take responsibility for your own actions.
These pages are intended to open your eyes, begin your road to enlightenment. We are on a shoe string budget so we do our best to edit and error check, if there may be some typos for which we appologize in advance. The idea is to introduce ideas for you to investigate further and prepare you to understand his classes. Some activities related to wilderness survival and preparedness can be dangerous if done without proper care and attention. Please be careful and attentive when engaging in any of these activities.
Be reasonable, responsible, take proper precautions, and exercise common sense.
The techniques shown on this website are meant solely for use in primitive wilderness survival and emergency off grid situations. Please note that in most places it is illegal to use some of the methods suggested to capture animals unless you are actually in a life and death survival situation.

Contact Info: PO Box 1448, Bellmawr, NJ 08099 USA   Email:  Phone: 856-861-0300 William R DeCuzzi