EMP / EMR Pulses, Bursts, & Blasts
The electromagnetic pulse or radiation will potentially melt solid state electronics in seconds without warning. The only possible way to protect sensitive electronics is to place them in a Faraday Cage. It is easy to make a Faraday Cage if you understand the theory behind them.
In the event of an EMP/EMR event, vehicles with electronic ignition systems, engine computers, GPS units, radios, cell phones and other electronics will be completely destroyed all around you in seconds. The EMR will also affect you. If you have a pacemaker the results could be instantaneous. The rest of us may be affected too, how much depends upon the level of power behind the EMP event. EMP can disrupt brainwaves, cause nausea, dementia, cancer, and more. High levels of EMR emitted from cell phones and high tension power lines had been demonstrated to cause bees to become disoriented, fail to pollinate, and not return to the hive.
It is the destructive effects on vehicles and communications that has led Cellular Phone Providers, the military, and many survivalists to protect their sensitive equipment in Faraday cages, store spare parts, and even return to EMP proof vehicles that do not rely upon electronics to run.