Recycling Code #3

V (Vinyl) or PVC (PolyVinylChloride)


Most Common Uses:

PVC is commonly used in Window cleaner and detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, cooking oil bottles, clear food packaging, wire jacketing, medical equipment, siding, windows, piping, plumbing and building materials, and in everything from cosmetics to shower curtains.

Health Risks:

The risks are extremely high. PVC contains several toxic chemicals; adipates and phthalates they are known as plasticizers, which are used to soften brittle PVC into a more flexible form. PVC is often refered to as “the toxic plastic” for the presence of DEHA (a softener). Traces of these chemicals can leach out of PVC when it comes into contact with food. Vinyl chloride (the VC in PVC) is a serious human carcinogen. The European Union banned the use of DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) it is found in almost all children's toys.

PVC contains chlorine and lead, so its manufacture can release highly dangerous dioxins. If you must cook with PVC, don't let the plastic touch food. Also never burn PVC, because it releases toxins. Never, Never, NEVER HEAT FOOD IN PVC !!!!!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, long-term DEHA exposure has the potential to cause: Reduced body weight and bone mass; damage to liver and testes; and cancer. The manufacture and incineration of PVC also releases carcinogenic dioxins into the environment and food chain. highly recommends that you store food and water in glass or stainless-steel containers whenever possible.

 Do your best to limit exposure to plastics with codes 1, 3, 6, or 7

 Never Use Products with 3 or 7