Earth - Seismic, Tectonic, Faults, Earthquakes

Seismic – Top

Seismic Activity and The Effect on Our World & Survival Seismic activity; the most common form of which is an earthquake, is often, but not always related to volcanic activity. Both types of events have […]

Water Contamination

Physical Contamination

Air Stripper for removal of VOCs from water Many but not all the contaminated water sources with VOCs are near industrial, commercial areas, fuel stations, landfills, and railroad tracks. Some are a result of intentional […]

Water Contamination

Chemical Contamination

Air Stripper for removal of VOCs from water Many but not all the contaminated water sources with VOCs are near industrial, commercial areas, fuel stations, landfills, and railroad tracks. Some are a result of intentional […]

Contamination Air, Water, Soil, Food

Water Contamination

Water Contamination Sources, Risks, Purification, Safety According to the US Department of Environmental Protection: “there is not a body of water in the USA which is not contaminated” Water contamination comes in basically two flavors; […]

Contamination Air, Water, Soil, Food

BPA – Bisphenol A

BPA is a primary component of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. The most common applications are water bottles, infant bottles, impact resistant safety glasses and more. The epoxy resins are used metal surfaces that come […]

Water Skills

Water Treatment

Water treatment covers a broad umbrella of water handling methods and systems. You must always begin by determining the intended output, product desired. Do you want water that is? Debris free Sediment filtration Reduced solids […]

Field First Aid

How to Treat Sepsis

PracticeSurvival is not a Medical Doctor, but Will has interviewed numerous highly respected and skilled MDs and Medical researchers. THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR HOMEPATHIC METHODS WILL NOT SAVE YOU FROM SEPTIC SHOCK OR SEPSIS!! PLEASE […]

Field First Aid

What is Sepsis

Sepsis Can Start from a Simple Cut and End Up Killing You How many people are affected? Sepsis is the leading pediatric killer worldwide Sepsis affects at least 750,000 people each year Approximately 550 people […]

Field First Aid

How to Identify Sepsis

Sepsis Can Start from a Simple Cut and End Up Killing You How do I spot Sepsis? Sepsis starts with a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) SIRS is a clinical response to an infectious or […]


Survival Perspectives

These two pictures illustrate the significance of context and perspective. The single most critical thing that a person needs in order to survive a serious challenge or threat is a Survival Mindset. History supports the […]

Leadership Skills

Civility During Crisis

Let me begin by saying that this article in no way means to criticize the people who have suffered desperately in a disaster zone. As a proactive trainer in risk management and loss prevention, we […]


Structural Wood Screw

The average person, even “handy” ones, have no idea that they cannot “build” things with sheetrock screws. Sheetrock screws are low grade steel, not hardened, made to hold a piece of sheetrock on the wall […]



Wherever you look at any given time you will see hardware. It holds the legs on your chair, the railing on the wall, etc. Millions of pieces of hardware is used all around us. This […]

Field First Aid

Snake Bite Kits

Snake Bite Extractor Kits   I wanted to include snake bite kits because it is so important. First – Never, ever, ice or cool a snake bite. The cold causes the tissues and capillaries to […]

Kits for Life™

Micro Kit

Pocket Sized Survival Kit Micro Kits are great kits to have a few of. Each one can target a different specific need. They are small, lightweight compact but offer you an opportunity to have the […]